
We encourage our children to take on responsibilities around the school, showing their values of Wisdom, Love and Courage.  


Each class in our school votes for two of their pupils to represent them on our school council. This group meets regularly with the Headteacher to discuss school issues. 

Each class also votes for two worship leaders, whose role is to support class teachers to deliver class worship and even includes leading whole school collective worship.

Year 6: Each house is represented by a House Captain and a Sports Captain. There are opportunities to lead by assisting at lunchtime and becoming a KS2 playground leader.

Year 5: KS1 playground leaders 

Pupil Leaders

The children apply for their posts and are also interviewed. We focus on which values will be most useful in the roles applied for and how individuals will represent the whole student body.

After an inauguration ceremony, the children spend time with the Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher, to agree what their priorities for the year will be and how they will go about achieving them.  This may involve support from other members of staff, from parents or from members of the wider community. 


House Captains



Sports Captains



School Council



Worship Leaders  



KS2 Playground Leaders



Eco Leaders  


Year 5/6 Pupil Leaders Visit the Council Offices in Petersfield

Our Inauguration Ceremony

Rhys and Lucie lay the wreath on Remembrance Sunday