Year 1 (Robins)

Our Curriculum  

We have redesigned the school curriculum plan so that, while it is still based on the National Curriculum, it better reflects our ethos and values. One of the main changes is the addition of planned enrichment and an emphasis on Values-based Education, developing a Growth Mindset (a belief that everyone can learn and improve) and teaching Habits of the Mind (skills that will help children to become better learners).  We want our children to have aspirations for the future, but believe that in order for that to happen, we need to give them different experiences so that they know what they might aspire to.



We follow the White Rose Mastery approach to teaching maths, which allows children to develop their reasoning skills and knowledge of place value.  We begin the year by building on the firm foundations taught in reception class, subitising and recognising number patterns.  The children also work on the recall of number facts.


The children continue to learn the important skills of reading and writing using the Read Write Inc Phonics Programme, a synthetic, systematic approach to teaching early reading and phonics.

The children's phonic skills are further developed  to cover more letter - sound variations as the children progress through school using the same principles and practice, allowing continuity in learning. The teaching of phonics is also used to support spelling patterns and irregular spellings of words children will encounter when reading and writing. 
In June, all children will take the Phonics Screening Check, which consists of 40 words and non-words that your child will be asked to read one-on-one with their teacher. Non-words (or alien words) are a collection of letters that will follow phonics rules your child has been taught, but don’t mean anything – your child will need to read these with the correct sounds to show that they understand the phonics rules behind them.   
We will have an information evening after Easter to give you more information, show you samples of the checks and show you how you can help at home.
The children continue to use the reading scheme which they began in Wrens.   The reading books are matched to their phonic ability and reflect the sounds and blends they have been learing in school.  The children are regularly assessed and checked to ensure they move through the books appropriately.  We encourage regular reading at home to help the children increase their fluency and also to talk about what they are reading. 
Helping at Home
These websites might help to brighten up repetition of learning facts.  You could also play card games, sing (lots of great songs on Youtube), play games with the facts on the way to school etc.  This covers all our school subjects.  I like Bitesize Literacy and Numeracy best.  mixture of Literacy games (they are for all ages, so select the right level for your child) lots of phonic games linked to the sounds we have to teach across KS1
We need to be able to spell the first 300 commonly used words and the National Curriculum 'exception words'.  Click below to see what these words are:
First 100 words                              Next 200 words                         Year 1 words           
(You will see that there is quite a over lap and that the exception words are part of the first 300 words, so at school we focus on those)
We also need to be able to add and subtract numbers from 0 - 20 in different ways, e.g. 3 + 12 = ?, 12 + ? = 15, ? - 3 = 12 etc.