Year 3 (Woodpeckers)

Our Curriculum

We have redesigned the school curriculum plan so that, while it is still based on the National Curriculum, it better reflects our ethos and values. One of the main changes is the addition of planned enrichment and am emphasis on Values-based Education, developing a Growth Mindset (a belief that everyone can learn and improve) and teaching Habits of the Mind (skills that will help children to become better learners).  We want our children to have aspirations for the future, but believe that in order for that to happen, we need to give them different experiences so that they know what they might aspire to.


Helping at Home

In Year 3 children are expected to:

  • Know all the addition and subtraction number facts to 20 such as 9 + 8 = __, 7 + __ = 18 and ___ - 12 = 7. To know their number facts they should be able to answer questions quickly without having to work out the answer.  
  • Begin to become confident working with numbers up to 1000. Children in Year 3 need to be able to recognise and name all the numbers up to 1000 first and understand the place value of each digit.
  • Be able to count in multiples of 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8, 50 and 100 and know the multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Questions could include; saying how many 3s make 18, __ x 3 = 18, 18 ÷ __ = 6.


Parents can sign their child up for a Mathletics log in  where they can practise their Maths skills, and even play Maths games against children from all around the world.  It's a great way for the children to practise key number facts, which are given such a high priority in the new National Curriculum.  There are also workbooks to download and times table songs to sing along to. Either download the app on a mobile device or go through the website.

Times Table Rock Stars

This is a super app/website that pits the children against each other, challenging them to improve their Rock Speed and work their way up through the various Rock Statuses - the faster you are at answering multiplication and division questions, the better your Rock Speed! It also gives children opportunity to practise tables in a 'Garage' setting before they're ready to compete against others. The school pays for these logins, and even parents can take part!

Some other websites that are great for practising number facts at home:


We need to be able to spell the first 300 commonly used words and the National Curriculum 'exception words'.  Click below to see what these words are:
First 100 words             Next 200 words           Year 1 words           Year 2 words           Year 3/4 words
(You will see that there is quite a over lap and that the exception words are part of the first 300 words, so at school we focus on those)
Here's a good spelling website:

Year 3 (Woodpeckers)

Our Curriculum

We have redesigned the school curriculum plan so that, while it is still based on the National Curriculum, it better reflects our ethos and values. One of the main changes is the addition of planned enrichment and am emphasis on Values-based Education, developing a Growth Mindset (a belief that everyone can learn and improve) and teaching Habits of the Mind (skills that will help children to become better learners).  We want our children to have aspirations for the future, but believe that in order for that to happen, we need to give them different experiences so that they know what they might aspire to.


Helping at Home

In Year 3 children are expected to:

  • Know all the addition and subtraction number facts to 20 such as 9 + 8 = __, 7 + __ = 18 and ___ - 12 = 7. To know their number facts they should be able to answer questions quickly without having to work out the answer.  
  • Begin to become confident working with numbers up to 1000. Children in Year 3 need to be able to recognise and name all the numbers up to 1000 first and understand the place value of each digit.
  • Be able to count in multiples of 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8, 50 and 100 and know the multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Questions could include; saying how many 3s make 18, __ x 3 = 18, 18 ÷ __ = 6.


Parents can sign their child up for a Mathletics log in  where they can practise their Maths skills, and even play Maths games against children from all around the world.  It's a great way for the children to practise key number facts, which are given such a high priority in the new National Curriculum.  There are also workbooks to download and times table songs to sing along to. Either download the app on a mobile device or go through the website.

Times Table Rock Stars

This is a super app/website that pits the children against each other, challenging them to improve their Rock Speed and work their way up through the various Rock Statuses - the faster you are at answering multiplication and division questions, the better your Rock Speed! It also gives children opportunity to practise tables in a 'Garage' setting before they're ready to compete against others. The school pays for these logins, and even parents can take part!

Some other websites that are great for practising number facts at home:


We need to be able to spell the first 300 commonly used words and the National Curriculum 'exception words'.  Click below to see what these words are:
First 100 words             Next 200 words           Year 1 words           Year 2 words           Year 3/4 words
(You will see that there is quite a over lap and that the exception words are part of the first 300 words, so at school we focus on those)
Here's a good spelling website: