Visits and Visitors
Enrichment is an important part of school life and enables the children to take part in activities that we may not be possible to offer in the school day.
Children are taken on school trips to enhance their learning in class and specialist visitors are invited in to school to work with the children in a range of ways.
Previous outings include: All of KS1 and 2 taking part in the national film festival, Year 1 have visited Arundel Wetlands, Years 2&3 journeyed to Butser Hill for a Roman day and Gibbet Hill for an orienteering day. Year 4 visited the Rainforest Experience and Years 5/6 visited churches in Portsmouth. Year 2 visited their link school in Luton and Year R have been to the beach for the day.
In addition, Years 5&6 have worked with the Foothill Foundation to support a school in Africa and have had visits from the charity to support their learning.
We regularly welcome visitors to school, for example: Theatre Companies, the NED show and an Internet-safety production, various pets and animals and the fire service.
In Years 5 and 6, the children have the opportunity to go to a residential activity centre where they stay away from home for a few nights. This helps them to become independent and develop confidence prior to moving on to secondary education. In the summer term next year they will spend a week at Stubbington Outdoor Centre. On alternate years, we organise an ambitious day trip to give the children a new experience. Last year it was a day trip to London to see the sights and to watch The Lion King.
Feeling Good Week
At the end of the Summer Term we hold a Feeling Good Week, when we take an aspect of well-being to improve each day: Spiritual Well-being, Physical Well-being, Nutritional Well-being, Mental and Emotional Well-being, Musical Well-Being and Dot Day. We have a packed week of different activities, trips and visitors to school.